Saturday, April 17, 2010


For a very long time, i was wondering what the word "trust" could mean? I started relating this word to many incidents. Could that be my trust on mom, when i tried to walk at the age of two only with the hope that she is there to catch me if i fall or may be the trust which i had on my father while learning to ride bicycle feeling a blindfolding courage that he is there to hold me if i am about to fall? I tried several instances like this and finally had a funny notion in my mind that Trust is nothing but a thumb impression left on the thin layer of flour while making the chappathi dough. Sounds funny but once we relate this impression with thrust it holds a lot of meaning. After all thunb impression is valid a lot. Trust also is a thin layer which has a heavy value but once lost cannot be regained as the impression on the dough cannot last forever.
Recently, I had a chance to read a book entilted Book of verse by Kumarendra Malik. There i came across the wonderful description of Trust.He describes trust as
On the cake of love
When a thin veneer of icing
of innocence is spread
it becomes trust.
More than my funny idea, this sounds much more pleasing.....isnt'it?